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Final Fantasy 7 pictures cont.

Welcome To Rich fantasy
Welcome to the RichFantasy site for all Pokemon/Final Fantasy and RESIDENT EVIL Freaks. I will soon Have a list of Gameshark codes for both games. Custom Page is the cheat index. I hope you find all necessary things that you may be looking for.
Site Updates
Well. Its now time to get Resident Evil up on the charts. Move over Final Fantasy Resident Evil will share this page too.
The Final Fantasy VII logo

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements

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NOTICE:This is a non Aeris fan site
Now, there is something you need to know about this site... I hate Aeris. So if you are an Aeris fan, do not come here under penalty of law. Or if you do not listen to this notice, I will send Sephiroth after you! Making a kill aeris game by shoving sephiroth's sword into her face, stomach, etc. is a good idea. So, if you are loyal to her,Leave.

this is sephiroth
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Notice: All of the pictures found on this site are all copyrighted, and credited to different comanies. Reproduction of these pictures is illegal and you must get permission from them.